Have you been looking for a marketing guardian angel for your business? Put down your Google Search, you’ve just found one.
We’re proud to offer a Quarterly Marketing Mentoring program, which has been designed so you feel like you have a regular meeting with the Chief Marketing Officer for your business (that’s us), who is there to help you achieve your business vision and higher business purpose.
If you’re a small business, looking for something a little more long-term with your learning, may we introduce you to Quarterly Marketing Mentoring.
It’s our one-on-one mentoring service where you work with us for three months in a formalised program.
You can consider us your remote Chief Marketing Officer because we’re here to set your strategic marketing priorities and ensure you achieve your marketing goals for the quarter ahead.
In our Quarterly Marketing Mentoring, we bring you unparalleled insights, learnt only from the front-line of the marketing and communications industry.
We share this knowledge with you, so you don’t stumble into the pitfalls so many small businesses make – experimenting with the latest marketing craze, which leaves you further from where you wanted to be and hundreds (sometimes thousands) of dollars poorer in the process.
Our commitment is to move your business closer to where it wants to be through proven marketing advice.
Month 1: 1 x 1.5 hour strategic whiteboard session where we crystallise your marketing plan and set a clear direction on achieve your marketing goals.
Month 2: 1 x 30-minute call, after the strategy session where we check in on your progress.
Month 3: 1 x 30-minute call, after the strategy session where we troubleshoot any further road blocks.
If you liked the accountability of Quarterly Marketing Mentoring, let’s double down on another quarter working together.
43 Gloucester St,
Highgate Hill QLD 4101
0411 085 226